“Transmuteo” is a 30 minute animated visual feast of the beautiful inner world of visionary artist, Jean-Luc Bozzoli.
A French artist living in the Pacific Islands for the past 55 years,
immersed in the holographic world of wild dolphins and whales, sharing their multi-dimensional wisdoms
introducing the metamorphosis of a New Human via our Transmutation nurtured by our incoming solar Energies
This DVD assists in shifting consciousness into this New Time/Space realm of Creative Experience.
” the edge of our universe, this jeweler is working alchemy with light... is this garden you hope to see in your next life time...” Jim Channon Social Architect
”…a vision of what our reality must be like in the higher dimensions… it continually brought tears to my eyes and triggered
beautiful memories of times long gone by...” Ronna Herman Author/Lecturer
" ..."Transmuteo'' is presented with the elegance and integrity of a mystic Artist on Spiritual Quest. Jean-Luc's latest offering is the
fruit of many years of deep personal exploration of 4th Dimensional relationship, the Sacred Union of Masculine and Feminine and
the perspectival shift that occurs in the individual undergoing spiritual evolution." the Tsa'A'Densoul, Storyteller
The hypnotic and TRANCE-LIKE effects set a protective field, which will balance
your left and right brain at a quantum level. Clarify the unconscious, access your multi-dimensionality, and ease into the new paradigms.
- Claudia Suen, Self-development coach.